my hole

my hole


my hole
my hole so deep so vast
my life is this hole
just a piece of flesh
with this empty space
this emptiness
this hole


so deep
will you ever know
how deep is my hole
if i
lie here
would you come into my hole
or fall in if you are to thin
or would you make me flat
if there were too much of
you to look at
so this is my life
lost in this time

i am now and old
and young and dead
and before
at the same time
i am lost in time
lost to eternity
lost to this light
to this infinity
could i find
just a piece of peace
for my hole

huge enormous gigantic immense cosmic
infinite immeasurable incalculable limitless
waiting for you to fill


to wait
how long will it be
how much will it take
to fill my hole
how long will i wait
how long will the waiting
wear on me




feel you
could you
could you be the sole
to fill my hole
could you be the one
that i wanted to know
for so long
the sole
are you the one
to fill my hole
do you have the soul
that i will know
my hole so dark so deep
a piece
of putrid flesh
my life

this has become my life
this voice in my head
waiting to die

what i want
is there a thing
that i want from this life
a piece of flesh
to pass the time
what is this

what is

this life

of mine

but a time to die

if i could
hold you
one more time
and finish this thing
and find out
what it means

how dark and  immense
is my hole
will you ever
from cosmos the opera

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