Sunday, November 29, 2015


i feel that there is an almighty creator, i don't feel that it is the god construed by politicians, i have experienced a presence with the almighty and have seen the supernatural, i was not intoxicated, i was having great fear and anxiety, people that haven't been brainwashed to believe in a god don't see gods and demons in periods of anxiety, they see dinosaurs, or other metaphors of hope and fear, i can accept that it might be the way that the brain works, when mankind stood above the animals the brain had to event a reason to be above the others, the cognitive brain had to event a reason that it doesn't end, people that don't believe in an almighty can also be extremists, if the brain needs a reason to believe that it continues on it must be in the individuals participation in the efforts to continue in the progress of the individual in civilization, we are called to be mankind, not manhurt

Friday, November 27, 2015

the almighty

there was the almighty for eons before there was

the sun
the son
the one

constantine, there it is the con
king james, queen james, face it

politicians somehow found out
that they could herd the human animal
like the other animals
with shame, guilt, fear

do you think that there was no god
when there were only animals
there is still the almighty
and we will know again

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Wednesday, November 11, 2015



our creator, all around us
our eternal
our completion
our existence
our everything
our nurture
our forgiver
our forgiveness
our peace
our guide
our life
our energy and light
for all time
in adoration


Our Father, which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be done in earth,
As it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive them that trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
The power, and the glory,
For ever and ever.

Monday, November 9, 2015


i found there was a savior of the world
that stood up for the injustice of the time
he stood up for the rights of the people
against tyrants

he turned over the tables of the money changers
for cheating people through economic fraud and false prophets
his teachings lead to civil liberties

a lot of folklore was added to try and
manifest what he did into things
people could perceive
to recognize the magnitude

and it leads to



no more of

no more of

no more of
what use to be


look and see


a change
you can feel it

a name for all
a vision for all
a message for all

now we

Sunday, November 8, 2015


don't get lost
in the metaphor
of the day

find the one
of all time

let go of the metaphor
of the past


gods got a bad rap in history
god was stars, suns, cows

god is a word that feels like
people trying to make a person
out of something that is larger

there is the all
the all in all
the all in everything
the all is everywhere
the omniscient

a word that has no

if you personify the all
then politicians can claim it

if you can be free
you will be able
to see the all

beyond a physical being
see what you can see

but it is yours
it is the

it is for everyone

you don't need to be told
who or what it is
you can listen
and it will tell you

Saturday, November 7, 2015


why am i here

it was once enough
to gather all this stuff

and lust
and lust
and lust

it was once enough
to have a dream

of many things
always about me

some people live for others
to make a better day

could i say

i am here to love you
i am here to hold you
i am here to show you

a better way

is it to achieve
is it to believe
is it to know

is it to experience
the journey

is it to
leave a seed

Friday, November 6, 2015

different game

in the end
the oldest boy got paid
enough to win the race

more than most
ever did
for a date

he found he had
self worth

you just couldn't
do that much
with a masters in business
those days

now he plays a
different game
and changed the rate

he charges half a life
for the one that fits
just right

Thursday, November 5, 2015

so pleased

so pleased

i saw the girl with
no arms and no legs
sitting there in a chair
greeting everyone she could see
with a smile
i smiled for a while
i wanted to know
what she was taking
what was she taking
to be so pleased
what was it she was taking from me
maybe something from my soul
how could i know
maybe she was taking something that
was not of matter
or something consisting of absence
does it make sense
maybe she was taking
my hole

from sidewalks

Sunday, November 1, 2015


my penial
really got stretched out
after all the meditation

now i'm in another
place in space

most of the day
and twisted
without much since

more than most
of the other